✴JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website (for example: games, responses when buttons are pressed or data entered in forms, dynamic styling, animation). ✴
► JavaScript ("JS" for short) is a full-fledged dynamic programming language that, when applied to an HTML document, can provide dynamic interactivity on websites. It was invented by Brendan Eich, co-founder of the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation, and the Mozilla Corporation.☆
► JavaScript is incredibly versatile. You can start small, with carousels, image galleries, fluctuating layouts, and responses to button clicks. With more experience, you'll be able to create games, animated 2D and 3D graphics, comprehensive database-driven apps, and much more!☆
► JavaScript itself is fairly compact yet very flexible. Developers have written a large variety of tools on top of the core JavaScript language, unlocking a vast amount of extra functionality with minimum effort.☆
❰❰ This App has been prepared for JavaScript beginners to help them understand the basic functionality of JavaScript to build dynamic web pages and web applications.❱❱
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
⇢ JavaScript – Overview
⇢ JavaScript – Syntax
⇢ Enabling JavaScript in Browsers
⇢ JavaScript - Placement in HTML File
⇢ JavaScript – Variables
⇢ JavaScript – Operators
⇢ JavaScript - if...else Statement
⇢ JavaScript - Switch Case
⇢ JavaScript - While Loops
⇢ JavaScript - For Loop
⇢ JavaScript for...in loop
⇢ JavaScript - Loop Control
⇢ JavaScript – Functions
⇢ JavaScript – Events
⇢ JavaScript and Cookies
⇢ JavaScript - Page Redirection
⇢ JavaScript - Dialog Boxes
⇢ JavaScript - Void Keyword
⇢ JavaScript - Page Printing
⇢ JavaScript - Objects Overview
⇢ JavaScript - The Number Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Boolean Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Strings Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Arrays Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Date Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Math Object
⇢ Regular Expressions and RegExp Object
⇢ JavaScript - Document Object Model or DOM
⇢ JavaScript - Errors & Exceptions Handling
⇢ JavaScript - Form Validation
⇢ JavaScript – Animation
⇢ JavaScript – Multimedia
⇢ JavaScript – Debugging
⇢ JavaScript - Image Map
⇢ JavaScript - Browsers Compatibility
✴JavaScript è un linguaggio di programmazione che aggiunge interattività al tuo sito web (ad esempio: giochi, risposte quando si premono i pulsanti o dati inseriti nei moduli, stile dinamico, animazione). ✴
► JavaScript ( "JS" in breve) è un linguaggio di programmazione dinamica a tutti gli effetti che, se applicato a un documento HTML, in grado di fornire l'interattività dinamica sui siti web. E 'stato inventato da Brendan Eich, co-fondatore del progetto Mozilla, Mozilla Foundation, e la Mozilla Corporation. ☆
► JavaScript è incredibilmente versatile. Si può iniziare in piccolo, con giostre, gallerie di immagini, layout fluttuanti, e le risposte alle clic sui pulsanti. Con più esperienza, sarete in grado di creare giochi, 2D animati e grafica 3D, applicazioni complete basati su database, e molto altro ancora! ☆
► sé JavaScript è abbastanza compatta e molto flessibile. Gli sviluppatori hanno scritto una grande varietà di strumenti in cima al linguaggio di base JavaScript, sbloccando una grande quantità di funzionalità extra con il minimo sforzo. ☆
❰❰ Questa App è stato preparato per i principianti JavaScript per aiutarli a comprendere le funzionalità di base di JavaScript per creare pagine web dinamiche e web applications.❱❱
【Argomenti trattati in questa applicazione sono elencati di seguito】
⇢ JavaScript - Panoramica
⇢ JavaScript - Sintassi
⇢ Abilitazione di JavaScript nei browser
⇢ JavaScript - Posizionamento in file HTML
⇢ JavaScript - Variabili
⇢ JavaScript - Operatori
⇢ JavaScript - se ... ELSE
⇢ JavaScript - Caso Interruttore
⇢ JavaScript - Mentre Loops
⇢ JavaScript - For Loop
⇢ JavaScript per ... in loop
⇢ JavaScript - Controllo Loop
⇢ JavaScript - Funzioni
⇢ JavaScript - Eventi
⇢ JavaScript ei cookie
⇢ JavaScript - Pagina reindirizzamento
⇢ JavaScript - Finestre di dialogo
⇢ JavaScript - parola chiave void
⇢ JavaScript - Stampa Pagina
⇢ JavaScript - Oggetti Panoramica
⇢ JavaScript - il numero dell'oggetto
⇢ JavaScript - L'oggetto booleano
⇢ JavaScript - The Strings Object
⇢ JavaScript - gli array Object
⇢ JavaScript - La Data Object
⇢ JavaScript - L'oggetto Math
⇢ espressioni regolari e RegExp oggetto
⇢ JavaScript - Document Object Model o DOM
⇢ JavaScript - Varietà e Gestione delle eccezioni
⇢ JavaScript - Form Validation
⇢ JavaScript - Animazione
⇢ JavaScript - Multimedia
⇢ JavaScript - Debug
⇢ JavaScript - Mappa immagine
⇢ JavaScript - Browser Compatibility
✴JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website (for example: games, responses when buttons are pressed or data entered in forms, dynamic styling, animation). ✴
► JavaScript ("JS" for short) is a full-fledged dynamic programming language that, when applied to an HTML document, can provide dynamic interactivity on websites. It was invented by Brendan Eich, co-founder of the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation, and the Mozilla Corporation.☆
► JavaScript is incredibly versatile. You can start small, with carousels, image galleries, fluctuating layouts, and responses to button clicks. With more experience, you'll be able to create games, animated 2D and 3D graphics, comprehensive database-driven apps, and much more!☆
► JavaScript itself is fairly compact yet very flexible. Developers have written a large variety of tools on top of the core JavaScript language, unlocking a vast amount of extra functionality with minimum effort.☆
❰❰ This App has been prepared for JavaScript beginners to help them understand the basic functionality of JavaScript to build dynamic web pages and web applications.❱❱
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
⇢ JavaScript – Overview
⇢ JavaScript – Syntax
⇢ Enabling JavaScript in Browsers
⇢ JavaScript - Placement in HTML File
⇢ JavaScript – Variables
⇢ JavaScript – Operators
⇢ JavaScript - if...else Statement
⇢ JavaScript - Switch Case
⇢ JavaScript - While Loops
⇢ JavaScript - For Loop
⇢ JavaScript for...in loop
⇢ JavaScript - Loop Control
⇢ JavaScript – Functions
⇢ JavaScript – Events
⇢ JavaScript and Cookies
⇢ JavaScript - Page Redirection
⇢ JavaScript - Dialog Boxes
⇢ JavaScript - Void Keyword
⇢ JavaScript - Page Printing
⇢ JavaScript - Objects Overview
⇢ JavaScript - The Number Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Boolean Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Strings Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Arrays Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Date Object
⇢ JavaScript - The Math Object
⇢ Regular Expressions and RegExp Object
⇢ JavaScript - Document Object Model or DOM
⇢ JavaScript - Errors & Exceptions Handling
⇢ JavaScript - Form Validation
⇢ JavaScript – Animation
⇢ JavaScript – Multimedia
⇢ JavaScript – Debugging
⇢ JavaScript - Image Map
⇢ JavaScript - Browsers Compatibility